第4頁(第5/7 頁)
, for hereckoned upon securg a far-labourer, a neighbour of his, a poor anwith a faily, but very well alified for the office of sire to aknight with this object he turned his horse&039;s head towards hisvilla, and rocante, th reded of his old arters, stepped out briskly that he hardly seed to tread the earth
he had not gone far, when out of a thicket on his right there seedto e feeble cries as of one distress, and the stant heheard the he excd, &ot;thanks be to heaven for the favour itaords , that it on offers an opportunity of fulfillg theobligation i have undertaken, and gatherg the fruit of yabition these cries, no doubt, e fro an or woan wantof help, and needg y aid and protection;&ot; and wheelg, he turnedrocante the direction whence the cries seed to proceed hehad gone but a few paces to the wood, when he saw a are tied toan oak, and tied to another, and stripped fro the waist uards, ayouth of about fifteen years of a, fro who the cries ca norwere they without cae, for a sty farr was floggg hi with abelt and follog up every blow with sldgs and ands,repeatg, &ot;your outh shut and your eyes open!&ot; while the youthade answer, &ot;i won&039;t do it aga, aster e; by god&039;s passion iwon&039;t do it aga, and i&039;ll take ore care of the flock another ti&ot;
seeg what was gog on, don ixote said an angry voice,&ot;disurteo knight, it ill bees you to assail one who cannotdefend hiself; ount your steed and take your lance&ot; (for there was alance lean