第5頁(第1/4 頁)
&ldo;第三題 一個年輕的男人,他的房子和鄰居夫婦的房子中間隔著一片糙坪。有一天深夜,男人被隔壁的吵架聲吵醒,之後他又聽到了摔東西聲、砍刀子聲和牛吃糙的聲音,過了一會,他又聽到了有人撞他家門的聲音,但他都沒有理會,又睡了過去。第二天,他發現隔壁的女主人慘死在他家門口,推理其過程,一分鐘內給出解答…… &rdo;
&ldo;鄰居夫婦吵架,丈夫用斧頭砍斷妻子4肢,然後妻子用口咬著地上的糙爬行~爬到&ot;男人&ot;家門口用頭嗑門求救~!最後自然是失血過多死了 。&rdo;
答案出口後,對方抬起頭打量了子奚一眼,又開始提問&ldo;一個剛退伍的老兵,一天夜裡起床上廁所時,發現老伴沒有睡在身邊,枕頭掉在木頭地板上,然後很疑惑的他走進廁所發現了馬桶上……有一件很小的綠色衣服,當場就被嚇死了,請問為什麼? 這一題請用英語作答……&rdo;
&ldo;the veteran has the nabulis actually, serves the period hi becae he sleealks with the pillow is battered to death his ally, after he es berly, his ally&039;s rpse after saber disbernt throws the restroo to wash away after processg the rpse, is only left over ally&039;s green ilitary unifor
the spoe went to bathroo that night while helps the the n to weave the green the sall ilitary unifor (to have n q) the result to fet clothes the restroo
the veteran ts out of bed has not seen the spoe is becae her spoe knew that his hband has the nabulis, therefore alone a pern sleeps on the fa, but the veteran was istaken oneself to kill own wife and the n pernally, therefore own is ade the blood boil the terrorist act scared to dea